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    The Natural Balance Blog


    The 3-minute breathing space is a great exercise we learn in mindfulness to use at moments in which we need to focus our attention back on the here and now. The mind tends to wonder, and that is when we get distracted and put the autopilot on. The three-minute breathing space helps to reduce stress and anxiety, to maintain a compassionate and mindful state of mind, to dissolve our negative thought patterns before they gain control of our lives, to see clearly what is happening from moment to moment, and to pause when thoughts and feelings threaten to overwhelm us.

    So how do we master the three minute breathing space?
    If you are new to it, it would be a good idea to practise initially in a sitting position or even lying down. The idea is to familiarise yourself with it so you can do it on the go.
    Sit up in a comfortable position or stand up straight and pay attention to your thoughts, emotions, and feelings in the present moment for the first minute. Try not to judge; just acknowledge and accept your emotions.
    During the second minute, pay attention only to the way you breathe. Feel the air going through your nostrils as it enters your body and the sensation as it moves through your lungs. Feel how the air passes through your mouth and gently leaves your body.
    Focus only on your breath and nothing else, breath after breath.
    During the last minute, breathe normally and bring your awareness to your feelings and emotions. Acknowledge and accept them without focusing on them.


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